My July 2005 Trip To Siberian Mountains, Part 2

Мой поход на Ергаки, часть 2

In Russian.

     So our team had 9 people, 5 ladies and 4 males, three of whom were masters of various sciences, three - medics, eight - Krasnoyarsk city residents and one Moscovite. Six of them had a mountain trips experience.
     Russian intelligentsia descendants...
     It should be mentioned, that Krasnoyarsk residents like outdoor sports more than Moscovites. It is not easy to imagine a Moscow 40 years woman that would agree to klimb a mountain with a heavy backpack. And if she even wanted - she wouldn't be able to. Krasnoyarsk chicks can do it easily.
     So, let's continue:

Yes, this is the attitude we get from the young
Yes, this is the attitude we get from the young
Looking at the fire
Looking at the fire
I would like to settle here
I would like to settle here
Administrative and scientific board of Krasnoyarsk Region Hospital
Administrative and scientific board of Krasnoyarsk Region Hospital
The medical gang
The medical gang
The view not damaged by the biped presence
The view not damaged by the biped presence
The ecology is soo dood that one can drink from every puddle
The ecology is soo dood that one can drink from every puddle
Closer to the rocks
Closer to the rocks
The "Raduzhnoe" lake
The "Raduzhnoe" lake

"Pending or Sliding Rock" one of the main points of interest as seen from the Radusznoe lake

Sleeping Sayan" mountain seen from the "Radusznoe" Lake
A rest
A rest - this rock stood here for some thousand years and will stand when there will be no bipeds to climb up on it
Some view
Some view
Big Larisa passes a big Siberian Pine
Big Larisa passes a big Siberian Pine
No one stepped on this grass
No one stepped on this grass
A view
A view
Super Siberian Pines
Super Siberian Pines
One more rock
One more rock
 Siberian pines and Silver firs
Siberian pines and Silver firs
 Siberian pines and Silver firs
Siberian pines and Silver firs
 Siberian pines
Siberian pines
A view
A view
A rest in a cool place
A rest in a cool place
Siberian Pines
Siberian Pines
They don't need us!
They don't need us!
Ladies on the rest
Ladies on the rest
They hold on tight!
They hold on tight!
Some view
Some view
It is not like me to go up the mountain!
It is not like me to go up the mountain!
Dwarf juniper
Dwarf juniper
Light and shadow
Light and shadow
On the way to Buibinskoye lake
On the way to Buibinskoye lake
Buibinskoye lake
Buibinskoye lake
Camp at Buibinskoye lake
Camp at Buibinskoye lake
 Near the camp
Near the camp
I am going to this rocks
Я I am going to this rocks
Looked back
Looked back
Looked back one more time
Looked back one more time - too high!
Almost there!
Almost there! The knight's helmet rock
The Sliding Rock at close distance
The Sliding Rock at close distance
 Radusznoe Lake seen from the Sliding Rock
Radusznoe Lake seen from the Sliding Rock
Camp near Buibinskoe Lake
Camp near Buibinskoe Lake
A stream flowing out of Buibinskoe Lake
A stream flowing out of Buibinskoe Lake
Radusznoe Lake at sunset
Radusznoe Lake at sunset
Ladies at sunrise
Ladies at sunrise
Climbing up to the crossing, last look at the Radusznoe Lake, the Sliding Rock in the upper right corner
Climbing up to the crossing, last look at the Radusznoe Lake, the Sliding Rock in the upper right corner
Looking at the other side of the crossing
Looking at the other side of the crossing - can't imagine how could i get here!
Another view from the crossing
Another view from the crossing
Short rest after the crossing
Short rest after the crossing
At the crossing
At the crossing
The two strongest mountain climbers of the team
The two strongest mountain climbers of the team

In Russian.
To Part 3